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A discount on all CCC creative courses I run - and early access to places
Subscriber-only content, audio and video bonuses and full access to the subscriber network
Post comments, join the community, attend workshops and interviews with top authors
A discount on all CCC creative courses I run - and early access to places
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Subscriber-only content, audio and video bonuses and full access to the subscriber network
Post comments, join the community, attend workshops and interviews with top authors
A discount on all CCC creative courses I run - and early access to places
A 60 minute one-to-one mentoring session with me, a full set of signed books, and complementary entry to ALL courses
Subscriber-only content, audio and video bonuses and full access to the subscriber network
Post comments, join the community, attend workshops and interviews with top authors
A discount on all CCC creative courses I run - and early access to places
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